Saturday, December 22, 2012

@boofbonser1 Get to Know Boof Bonser

Boof Bonser is a pitcher in the San Fransisco Giants organization. He has also spent time with the Minnesota Twins, Boston Red Sox, and Oakland Athletics. When Boof was in high school he earned an elite status from posting a record of 24-9 through out his four years at Gibbs High School. During his senior year he posted a 7-3 record while batting .523 with 11 home runs. Boof made his major league debut for the Minnesota Twins on May 21st, 2006 replacing Kyle Lohse in the rotation who was struggling at the time.
 All questions were emailed to Boof Here is what he had to say.

Waiting to deliver the pitch

Boof stretching during warm ups

Q:What influenced your decision to play baseball?
A: " My grandfather just always had me out in the yard playing baseball. It was fun for me so I kept on playing."

Q:What's your favorite city to play in?
A: "My favorite city to play in is Tampa Bay. I get to play in front of my family and friends."

Q:What's your best baseball memory.
A: "baseball memory, still has to be the day that I got called up."

Q:What was it like when you were drafted?
A: "The day I got drafted was great, I had all my friends and family over and when the phone call came in that I got drafted my whole house went crazy."

Q:Have you ever waken up and said "I don't want to go to work today"?
A: "No, I love this game to much."

Q:What is the Best clubhouse prank you pulled/saw/had pulled on you?
A: " I glued a teammates shower shoes above his locker and he had no idea that they were there."

Q:What is the  Funniest/ Strangest thing you've seen in the clubhouse?
A: "I have no idea, I see stuff everyday."

Q:What's your favorite off season activity?
A: " I like to get out and play a little bit of golf."

Q:What is your favorite sport other than baseball?
A: " I like football, never had the chance to play."

Q:Who was your childhood role model?
A: "Nolan Ryan, Chipper Jones."

Q:What is your favorite thing to do on the road?
A: "To see the city, look around."

Q:What did it feel like to get your first strikeout?
A: "I have no Idea, I think because I was still so nervous that I was in the big leagues."

Q:What is the weirdest thing a fan has asked you to sign?
A: "I had to sign a shoe one time that was weird."

Q:What is the biggest personal change you've had since becoming a pro-athlete?
A: "Learning how to grow up. Become a man."

Q:If you could play with/against any other athlete at any sport, what athlete would it be and in what sport?

A: "I will stick with baseball, the athletes are so good at what they do."

Q: What are your thoughts on fan mail?
A: "I like fan mail, if we didn't have fans we wouldn't have baseball."

Q: Do you collect sports cards/memorabilia? If so anyone in particular?
A: "I collect all kinds of stuff, more is better."

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